Dec 24, 2009

'Twas the Eve Before Christmas

The poem below is dedicated to all the Tea Partiers and Patriots who have braved foul weather and word to stand up for liberty and freedom. It is a take off on “’Twas the Night before Christmas” a poem By Clement Moore, enjoy!

'Twas the eve before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a Congressman was stirring, not even a mouse.

The Senate was in session, whilst we slept unaware,

For on this eve they were voting, for a monstrous nightmare.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While Senators had visions of grandeur dancing in their heads.

They finnagled and bribed till their energy did sap,

Hoping we had settled our brains, for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

They sprang to the window to see what was the matter.

There standing in defiance, with signs and words brash,

Were the people of America saying this bill is trash!

The moon shown full on the new-fallen snow

and highlighted the Patriots vigil below.

In true Washington insider style, not a Senator did appear,

They hid in the shadows from the constituents they feared.

With little concern for our voices that day,

They worked on a bill that would really make us pay.

Under cloak of darkness they schemed and then came,

To accuse us of being terrorists and worse, by name!

Now Reid! Now, Schumer! Now Boxer and Nelson!

On, Baucus! On, Warner! On, Webb and Harkin!

Go ahead and ignore us, ignore us one and all!

And like Humpty Dumpty prepare for the fall!

A bill with so many pages, it could darken the sky,

The Democrat Senators lined up, for a slice of the pie.

They had handouts for Acorn and Planned Parenthood, too,

They took care of the unions AFL-CIO, UAW and SEIU.

They knew they were wrong, but the burden of proof,

’Twas left to the people to shout from every roof.

They spoke of saving money, while the pork did abound,

They all knew that their bill, was not fiscally sound.

Some spoke of insurance for the poor without any new tax,

And preconditions by the insurance carriers to axe.

They proposed many new agencies, your tax dollars would back,

And they peddled good cheer and condolences like veteran hacks.

Their eyes-how they twinkled! They all seemed so merry!

A political victory, but bi-partisan, not very!

They seemed all in a fervor, a lesson to show,

To those who would dare protest, even in the snow.

Harry Reid cracked his whip through tightly gritted teeth,

And the Democrat Senators lined up for an ill bill, to bequeath.

They thought that, hope and change, they would surely endow,

But they failed to see, it could only be, by the sweat of our brow!

To our seniors they said, for so many years that they had paid,

You should make room for the less fortunate and they cut Medi-care/aide!

With a wink of the eye, they said, you’ll have nothing to dread,

For the tax burden for this bill, falls squarely, on everyone’s head

They thought in their wisdom, to start early paying the debt,

And the benefits to come, well, in four years might be there yet,

And all through the land a great clamor arose,

For We the People weren’t fooled, as we held our nose!

And here we all stand together, in candle light so soft,

Giving witness to our patriot hearts, under the moon aloft.

And with no ill will to them who have tried to drive Christ out of sight,

"We wish a Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Tom Whitmore
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