VA accelerates toxic exposure claims
Camp Lejeune Justice Act
Good news!!
Today the Senate passed the PACT ACT by a vote of 84/14!
I appreciate all the help everyone put in to get us to this day.
Please be sure to thank your Senators for keeping their promise to our Veterans.
It's a historic day for Veterans and their families! Congratulations all!
Last evening, 5/18/22, there was another fb meeting with Mike Partain and Attorney Ed Bell with an update on the water contamination at Camp Lejeune and the PACT ACT.
UPDATE ON THE CAMP LEJEUNE JUSTICE ACT!! A few weeks ago, the Department of Justice wanted to remove the Camp Lejeune Justice Act from the PACT Act and propose a $50,000 "No Fault" settlement. Many of us sent numerous emails and made phone calls to the White House, the Department of Justice, and our Senators opposing this.
We received news today that the Department of Justice has backed down and the Camp Lejeune Justice Act will stay in the Pact Act. The House passed the PACT Act in March. Both parties reached an agreement and it is expected to be voted on in the next 2-3 weeks, passed, and signed into law.
What does this mean for Camp Lejeune Victims? It will allow for personal injury and wrongful death suits. All of us affected by this toxic nightmare have been through hell and back, but this is great news and we may finally see justice. #justiceforcamplejeunevictims
There are countless lawyers already clamoring to get your money, however Mr. Bell and his firm have been with this issue from the beginning and have already in place experts and all the information on the water to help the cases go forward more quickly. It is a good idea to call and register with them. This includes for your deceased family members, lost children, stillborns and other reproductive issues. Kidneys, cancers, or related issues. Heart, lungs, the list goes on. Any and all issues you have physically struggled with may be eligible for medical care and or compensation.
It is my understanding the attorney will be looking at each of us on a case by case basis. Should they find groups of illnesses they may lump them together. Their fees range from 1/3 to 40% of any settlement you may receive. Those will be determined by the attorney and you.
To reach Bell Legal Group - Patti Mobley -Very knowledgeable! Please call 1-843-546-2408 Or 1-833-Lejeune
I encourage everyone to contact them, talk to them about your medical issues, regardless of how small or insignificant you may think they are. And keep in mind, you may not have issues today, but you could next year and in ten years. There is a 2 year limit in order to file a claim. In 2-3 weeks the Senate will be voting, keep encouraging them and thanking them for helping the Veterans, families and civilians that have suffered all these years from Camp Lejeune. We have hope!
Also, since this has come about, all hands on deck are asked to stand down. Brian Amburgey -FB Moderator ATTENTION ON DECK IF YOU ARE HOLDING A OUTREACH AWARENESS DAY TOMORROW PLEASE STAND DOWN . PLEASE FEEL TO CONTACT Brian FOR MORE DETAILS
New Happenings on Camp Lejeune Water Contamination
Suffer in Silence no more~
It's well worth sharing after such a long time hearing not a peep.
This is a call for action~ Help your service members and their families.
Call your Senators! Call the White House!
So here is the scoop I got tonight from Mike Partain on his live feed:
The Department of Justice has decided they want to offer all of the Veterans and families who were at Camp Lejeune a whopping $50,000 settlement compensation per family member. They would like us to be included in a Federal Tort claim. The 2015 SCOTUS CTS Corp V Waldburger decision blocked all federal tort claims but the PACT Act would remove those blocks.
The Pact Act is going before The US Senate directly and they will be taking a vote on whether or not they will pass this.
It is highly important to contact your State's Senators and the White House to get the Pact Act passed.
~~~ My Notes from the meeting and links to explore for more information
Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2021 or the Honoring our PACT Act of 2021
This bill addresses health care, presumption of service-connection, research, resources, and other matters related to veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during military service.
The bill provides eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical care, including mental health services and counseling, to veterans who (1) participated in a toxic exposure risk activity (a qualifying activity that requires a corresponding entry in an exposure tracking record system), (2) served in specified locations on specified dates, or (3) deployed in support of a specified contingency operation.
The bill establishes the Formal Advisory Committee on Toxic Exposure to assist with the various procedures in establishing or removing presumptions of service-connection.
The bill modifies or establishes the presumption of service-connection for certain conditions or purposes for various groups of veterans.
Among other requirements, the VA must
For more info, please see Bell Legal Group